Mini Tummy Tuck Miami

Discover the mini tummy tuck solution at Moon Plastic Surgery in Miami, where our skilled team offers this less invasive, targeted approach to achieve a toned, flat abdomen. Perfect for those struggling with stubborn lower belly fat, our mini tummy tuck procedure will help you regain confidence and embrace a smoother, more contoured appearance.

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Mini Tummy Tuck Before and After Photo

Experience the remarkable transformation with our mini tummy tuck before and after photos, showcasing the exceptional results achieved at Moon Plastic Surgery in Miami.

Mini Tummy Tuck Miami

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, or partial abdominoplasty, is a focused cosmetic procedure that addresses excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen. This less invasive alternative to a full tummy tuck tightens muscles and removes unwanted tissue, resulting in a firmer, smoother appearance ideal for those struggling with a stubborn lower belly pooch.

Who Is the Right Candidate for the Mini Tummy Tuck?

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck​

The right candidate for a mini tummy tuck is typically someone with a small to moderate amount of excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen, below the navel. Ideal candidates are:

  1. In good overall health, without medical conditions that could interfere with healing or increase surgical risks.
  2. Close to their ideal body weight, with stable weight for at least six months.
  3. Non-smokers, as smoking can negatively impact healing and results.
  4. Realistic in their expectations, understanding that a mini tummy tuck targets only the lower abdominal area.
  5. Unable to achieve desired results through diet and exercise alone.

Who Is the Right Candidate for the Mini Tummy Tuck?

Mini Tummy Tuck vs Full
AspectMini Tummy TuckFull Tummy Tuck
Incision sizeSmaller, typically just above the pubic areaLarger, from hip to hip and around the navel
Area targetedLower abdomen (below the navel)Entire abdomen (both above and below the navel)
Muscle tighteningLess common, usually only if neededCommonly involves tightening of the abdominal muscles
Procedure duration1-2 hours2-4 hours
Recovery timeShorter, generally 1-2 weeks for most activitiesLonger, usually 4-6 weeks for most activities
ScarringLimited to the lower abdomenMore extensive, across the lower abdomen and potentially around the navel
ResultsAddresses mild to moderate skin and fat excessAddresses more significant skin and fat excess, as well as muscle laxity
CandidacyBest for patients with localized lower abdominal issuesSuitable for patients with more extensive abdominal concerns
Average cost$3,500 to $10,000$5,000 to $12,000 or more depending on the extent of the procedure

Mini Tummy Tuck Cost in Miami: What to Expect for Your Investment

The cost of a mini tummy tuck can vary widely, with the average price in 2019 around $6,000, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Today’s costs may be slightly higher, ranging from $3,500 to $10,000, depending on factors such as the specific procedure, the amount of fat and skin removed, anesthesia type and dosage, and any additional services like muscle reshaping or skin tightening.

Keep in mind that full abdominoplasty typically costs more than a mini tummy tuck. The clinic you choose also influences the price. To get a better understanding of mini tummy tuck costs for your unique situation, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a specialist.


There are many financing options available for you to help cover the costs of your cosmetic procedure.



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How to Prepare for a Mini Tummy Tuck?

To prepare for a mini tummy tuck, follow these general guidelines to ensure a smooth surgical experience and optimal results:

  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. The surgeon will evaluate your overall health, assess the lower abdominal area, and determine if a mini tummy tuck is the best option for you.

  2. Medical tests: Complete any required medical tests, such as blood work or imaging, to ensure you are in good health before the procedure.

  3. Medications: Discuss any medications, supplements, or herbal remedies you are taking with your surgeon. You may be advised to stop or adjust certain medications before surgery.

  4. Smoking cessation: If you smoke, stop at least 4-6 weeks before surgery, as smoking can negatively impact healing and results.

  5. Weight stability: Aim for a stable weight in the months leading up to the procedure. Significant weight fluctuations can impact the outcome and longevity of the results.

  6. Prepare your home: Set up a comfortable recovery area at home with necessary supplies such as ice packs, pain medication, and loose, comfortable clothing. Arrange for help with daily tasks, childcare, or pet care during the initial recovery period.

  7. Transportation and post-operative care: Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you for at least the first 24 hours post-operation.

  8. Fasting: Follow your surgeon’s instructions for fasting, usually not eating or drinking anything (except for certain medications) after midnight the night before surgery.

Remember that each patient’s circumstances may vary, so it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s specific pre-operative instructions for the best results.


Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery: What to Expect and Tips for a Smooth Healing Process

Recovering from a mini tummy tuck is generally faster than a full tummy tuck due to the less invasive nature of the procedure. However, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and be patient with the healing process to achieve optimal results. In this guide, we’ll outline the recovery timeline, what to expect, and tips for ensuring a smooth recovery after your mini tummy tuck.

Recovery Timeline:

  • First week: Expect mild to moderate pain, swelling, and bruising. You’ll likely wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and support healing. Most patients can return to light daily activities within a few days but should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.
  • Second week: Swelling and bruising will begin to subside, and you may resume low-impact exercise, such as walking. Continue to wear the compression garment as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Third and fourth weeks: Gradually increase your activity level and return to work if your job doesn’t involve heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity. Most patients can discontinue wearing the compression garment by the end of the fourth week.
  • Six weeks and beyond: You should be able to resume all normal activities, including vigorous exercise, as long as your surgeon has given the green light. Final results will become more apparent as swelling continues to decrease.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions closely, including wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions.
  2. Wear the compression garment as directed to minimize swelling and provide support to the healing tissues.
  3. Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated to promote healing.
  4. Avoid smoking and alcohol, as they can negatively impact the healing process.
  5. Get adequate rest and elevate the affected area when possible to help reduce swelling.
  6. Take short, gentle walks as soon as you’re able to encourage blood circulation and prevent blood clots.
  7. Avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, and bending over for at least 4-6 weeks or until your surgeon clears you for these activities.
  8. Be patient with the healing process and give your body time to recover.


Follow-up and Results: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns. Final results may take several months to become fully apparent as swelling continues to subside. Keep in mind that maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle will help preserve the results of your mini tummy tuck for years to come.

Post-Operative Expectations after a Mini Tummy Tuck

After undergoing a mini tummy tuck, it’s essential to know what to expect during the recovery process. Here’s an overview of the post-operative experience to help you prepare:

  1. Pain and discomfort: Mild to moderate pain is common after surgery. Your surgeon will likely prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort during the initial recovery period.

  2. Swelling and bruising: Expect some swelling and bruising in the treated area. Wearing a compression garment, as directed by your surgeon, can help minimize swelling and support the healing tissues.

  3. Drains: Depending on your surgeon’s approach, you may have drains placed to help prevent fluid accumulation. These will usually be removed within a week.

  4. Limited mobility: Your mobility may be restricted for the first few days, and you should avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and bending over during the initial recovery phase.

  5. Wound care: Follow your surgeon’s wound care instructions, including keeping the incision site clean and dry, to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.

  6. Gradual return to activities: You can typically resume light activities within a few days, and most patients can return to work within 1-2 weeks, depending on their job. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines on when to resume more strenuous activities and exercise.

  7. Follow-up appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so your surgeon can monitor your progress and address any concerns.

  8. Results: While you’ll notice some improvements immediately, the final results will become more apparent as swelling subsides over several weeks or months.

  9. Scarring: Scarring is a normal part of the healing process. The appearance of scars will fade over time, and following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions will help promote optimal scar healing.

Remember that each patient’s recovery experience may vary, so it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions and address any concerns or questions during follow-up appointments.


Understanding Mini Tummy Tuck Risks: What You Need to Know Before Your Procedure

Although a mini tummy tuck is considered a less invasive procedure than a full tummy tuck, it still carries some risks and potential complications, as with any surgery. Some common risks associated with a mini tummy tuck include:

  1. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection at the incision site. To minimize this risk, follow your surgeon’s post-operative wound care instructions and take prescribed antibiotics if needed.

  2. Bleeding or hematoma: Excessive bleeding or the formation of a blood clot (hematoma) can occur during or after the procedure. Your surgeon may place drains to help prevent fluid accumulation, and you should avoid blood-thinning medications before surgery.

  3. Seroma: A collection of fluid (seroma) may develop under the skin at the surgical site. Small seromas may resolve on their own, but larger ones may require draining.

  4. Scarring: Scarring is a normal outcome of any surgery, but the extent and appearance of scars can vary. Your surgeon will try to minimize scarring by placing incisions in less visible areas. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions to promote optimal scar healing.

  5. Poor wound healing: Some individuals may experience delayed or poor wound healing. Factors such as smoking, underlying health conditions, and poor nutrition can negatively impact the healing process.

  6. Numbness or changes in skin sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation, including numbness, may occur around the incision site.

  7. Asymmetry: There is a possibility of unevenness or asymmetry in the abdominal appearance, which may require revision surgery.

  8. Anesthesia risks: Complications related to anesthesia can occur, such as an allergic reaction or issues with breathing.

  9. Unsatisfactory results: There is a chance that you may be unsatisfied with the final result, which could necessitate additional procedures.

To minimize the risks associated with a mini tummy tuck, it’s crucial to choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon and follow their pre-operative and post-operative care instructions closely. Discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your surgeon to ensure you are well-informed about the procedure and its potential risks.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure: How It Works to Enhance Your Abdominal Contour

 Here’s an overview of how the procedure works:

  1. Anesthesia: The patient is given anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure. This may be either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the surgeon’s preference and patient’s needs.

  2. Incision: The surgeon makes a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen, typically just above the pubic area. The incision length for a mini tummy tuck is usually shorter than that of a full tummy tuck, as it focuses on the area below the navel.

  3. Removing excess tissue: The surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdominal area, taking care not to disrupt the navel or surrounding tissues.

  4. Muscle tightening: If necessary, the surgeon may tighten the underlying abdominal muscles to create a firmer abdominal wall. This step is more common in full tummy tucks but may be performed in a mini tummy tuck if the patient requires it.

  5. Closing the incision: Once the excess tissue has been removed and the desired contour achieved, the surgeon stretches the remaining skin over the treated area and closes the incision with sutures.

  6. Dressings and compression garments: The surgical site is dressed with sterile bandages, and the patient may be fitted with a compression garment to minimize swelling and provide support to the healing tissues.

The mini tummy tuck procedure generally takes 1-2 hours, depending on the patient’s specific needs and the surgeon’s technique. As it is less invasive than a full tummy tuck, the recovery time and potential complications are typically reduced. However, it’s essential to choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon and follow their pre-operative and post-operative care instructions for the best results.

Find the Best Surgeon in Miami and Have a Successful Mini Tummy Tuck

If you are considering this procedure, your next step is finding reliable experts that can help you go through it successfully and end up with the wanted results. But first, you need to find out whether you’re the right candidate for a mini abdominoplasty. Our team at Moon Plastic Surgery will gladly schedule a free appointment with you – so don’t hesitate to contact us over the phone or through an online form. We will come up with the best solution to your needs – and be by your side every step of the way.




Frequently asked questions

Since patients are usually under general anesthesia, they don’t feel any pain during the procedure. However, when they wake up, they tend to feel a bit of pain, along with soreness and tenderness. With enough rest, limited activity, and the right medication, the pain and discomfort levels should be successfully managed. If not, don’t hesitate to contact your surgeon and ask for advice.

Mini abdominoplasty should show permanent results. However, keep in mind that due to weight gain or pregnancy, the body’s shape can go back to the way it was before the procedure. If you’re concerned about a stomach pooch returning, make sure to share all of your concerns with your surgeon before the procedure.

Since general anesthesia is used with most abdominoplasty surgeries, it’s more likely that a patient will be asleep during the whole process and, therefore, feel no pain or discomfort.

The answer to this question depends on your specific situation and the results you wish to achieve. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck on a skinny person will not be the same as a high BMI tummy tuck. The best candidates for mini abdominoplasty are those within the recommended weight range, while a full tummy tuck is usually reserved for overweight individuals. At the same time, note that the mini tummy tuck targets only the lower stomach, while the full procedure can help you reshape the whole abdomen.


Healthline. (n.d.). Everything You Want to Know About a Mini Tummy Tuck. Retrieved from

North Raleigh Plastic Surgery. (n.d.). What is a Mini Tummy Tuck? Retrieved from

Boynton Plastic Surgery. (n.d.). Difference Between a Full and Mini Tummy Tuck. Retrieved from

WebMD. (n.d.). What to Know About The Cost of a Mini Tummy Tuck. Retrieved from

Sanchez Plastic Surgery. (n.d.). How to Prepare for a Mini Tummy Tuck? Retrieved from

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Best Faja for a Tummy Tuck

Faja is an essential part of recovery after many plastic procedures, including a tummy tuck. Still, finding the perfect brand and model for your needs

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